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All the while I was cleaning, painting, and dressing my imagination went wild, thinking about how my efforts would be received.I wanted to start getting ready at like, ten in the morning. My wife just laughed at me and dragged me out of the house to go to the store with her. "You are acting like a silly little girl" she quipped. "There will be time enough to spare to make yourself beautiful for your date." Still laughing she took my hand and led me to the car. We went to the grocery store, bought a few things and went to lunch. All-in-all we managed to use up about four hours. When we got back I jumped in the shower to clean up. I exfoliated, showered, moisturized and creamed for over an hour. I laid out my new things and began to get dressed. Once dressed I fixed my hair and put on my makeup. When I was finished I came downstairs to show my wife and to get her opinion. She whistled, walked around me twice."You look hot, babe. Dave will not make it through the night without tasting a. We talked about our families for a little while, her name was Cindy. It turned out that she had two girls, one was 16 the other was 14. My own children were both in their 20’s and no longer lived in this area, one boy and one girl. She told me that her late husband had died 3 years ago. She invited me over to her house for a cookout the next weekend.I got there a little early but she said it was okay. I helped her get a fire going in the grill. Both of her daughters joined us and we had a good conversation. Sarah her oldest girl excused herself and went to her room. Janet her younger daughter told us that her sister was not feeling well, and went up stairs to join her. Leaving Cindy and me alone. She told me how her late husband and her had been home schooling the girls, and she still did. We ended up taking for several hours, till I realized it was almost 3 in the morning. She insisted that since it was so late that I use her guest room so I did.I woke up at 6 the next morning when.
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